
ALSC Digital Strategies North America 2025 Agenda

08:00 o'clock

Registration and networking

09:00 o'clock

Welcome to day two

09:15 o'clock

Chandan Trehan Chandan Trehan Lead, Digital Supply Chains and Logistics
Bosch North America
10:00 o'clock

Paule Tchiegne Wandji Paule Tchiegne Wandji Associate Director, Logistics COE Process & Governance
International Motors
10:45 o'clock

Networking and refreshments

11:15 o'clock

12:00 o'clock

12:45 o'clock

Lunch and networking

14:00 o'clock

14:45 o'clock

Skotti Fietsam Skotti Fietsam Senior Vice President Supply Chain
15:30 o'clock

Networking and refreshments

16:00 o'clock

16:45 o'clock

17:30 o'clock

Closing remarks and key takeaways

17:45 o'clock

Networking and drinks reception